Construction update of the bridge to the new wing

   The new building opened for student use in 2017, but construction has not ceased. The current project being worked on is the final touches on the bridge connecting the original building to the first floor of the new building as well as a new dance room, yoga room, weight room, and locker room. On January 17th the School Construction Authority had a meeting with Principal Jaenicke and on the 15th there is a scheduled inspection of the progress and safety of the work done.

The girls gymnasium and the locker room have remained untouched. The new elevator construction has been pushed back and will not be operational until March. Assistant Principal Peter Gambardella and John Crowdell are optimistic that the majority of the construction will be completed by the beginning of the new term. Those who are in the new building everyday are very excited for the opening of the bridge. They cannot wait to ditch the several flights of stairs.