Test Taking Tips

Major tests like finals and Regents are upon us. It’s a time of stress and headaches. While this article can’t help you with the actual material on the exam, it can help you calm down and be your best self on the day. Everything from what you do the night before to during the test affects your energy and memory! The tips below can help your average and how you feel about the test.

The Day Before:

  • Don’t cram! Cramming can make you panic, and you might even end up forgetting some information. Instead, relax and try to forget about the test.
  • Eat a good dinner! It’s healthy for you and can help you feel your best on the day.
  • This probably goes without saying, but get a good night’s sleep. 8 hours can work wonders to ensure good memory and will give you your best chance at acing your test.

The Morning Of:

  • Eat a healthy breakfast. Foods like eggs, bacon, or waffles can keep you full for a while without overeating.
  • Bring water and (if possible) a quiet snack like a soft granola bar. Distractions like being hungry or thirsty can be annoying when taking a long test like a Regent.
  • Bring a pencil sharpener and a seperate eraser. Supplies like these can come in handy if your pencils break.
  • Relax and listen to your favorite music. A good mindset is the key to getting through tough tests.

During the Test:

  • Take deep breaths. This relaxes your muscles and gets you focused.
  • Answer every question, even if you don’t know the answer. On tests like the SAT, no points will be taken off for wrong answers.
  • Mark questions that you want to come back to. Proofing your work can be annoying, but if you catch a wrong answer, it’s worth it!
  • Take your time and read every part of the question. Read passages and answer choices very carefully.