How to Survive Freshman Year

Incoming freshmen have a lot to prepare for in the coming years, here are just a few tips to get started.

-Don’t be afraid to socialize, talk to your new classmates or even someone in your lunch period.

– DO NOT PROCRASTINATE, homework does matter and will affect your grades.

– Always respect your peers and most importantly your teachers, the way you present yourself to those around you will leave a permanent impression throughout the rest of your high school career.

– Join sports, clubs and any other extra curricular activities, it’ll make your school year more exciting.

– Don’t focus on the materialistic things like relationships or wanting to be better than anyone else, it may break your focus in school.

– Understand the rules of the school. Keep on one side of the hallway, avoid crowding and listen to adults when they ask you to do something.

– If you see something wrong, don’t be afraid to speak up. Keeping quiet in a situation will only make matters worse.

– Always motivate yourself to be better than you were last week or even yesterday. This is the time where you must be able to grow and change.

– Don’t be afraid of new experiences, things may seem scary at first but will soon be worth it. Take risks that’ll benefit you at some point in school.

– Just have fun! High school does go by fast, so make the most of it while you can. Have memories of the good things that you’ll always want to remember.