CEO meets with Health Ambassadors

Children’s Aid CEO works with Health Ambassadors to prepare for a trip to Albany.

Curtis welcomed the new C.E.O. Of Children’s Aid Society, Phoebe C. Boyer with the Curtis chorus, who performed the Children’s Aid Theme song, “I’m really glad they made Children’s Aid Society.” The theme was inspired by old time Children’s Aid commercials. “It was really cool being able to sing the Children’s Aid song because I love singing and it made the C.E.O. smile,”  said Cassandra Thompson.

After the performance in the lobby Boyer was directed to the School Based Health Center where she had the opportunity to see the community school in action. After her tour of the health center she met with the student health ambassadors. “Meeting Ms.Boyer was really inspirational, to see a woman in such a high position of honor is important for women around the world.”

Boyer engaged in a meeting where she was presented with a T-shirt for the Advocacy Day which was cancelled for February 9th, but, was rescheduled for March 11th. Advocacy Day was created to reject the proposed state budget which was suppose to take 15% of the money from SBHCs. This was one of the reasons C.E.O. Phoebe Boyer came to Curtis to talk to the health ambassadors.

The trip took 27 Curtis students to Albany for 12 hours. Attending along with these students was, Joe Sicilian, D’arcy Hearn, Marie Rodriguez, Kristan Rosenthal,and Amalfi Guiterriez. Up in Albany, students advocated for the preservation of funds for the Health Center. Cuomo wants to take 15% of the money provided to health centers away.