Yoga Room, Now A Classroom?

Yoga students practice meditation and flows in the dance room instead of the yoga room.


    If you took a yoga class sometime this year, you might have noticed that something was a little off. Specifically, you might have noticed that yoga classes aren’t being held inside of the designated yoga room in the basement. Instead, they’re being held in the dance room right next door. So, what was the yoga room being used for, if not for yoga? Why did this change happen? Was it permanent? 

    Ms. Rossi, the yoga teacher, and who knows all about in-and-outs of the yoga and dance rooms, was able to answer all of these questions. She says that the yoga room turned into the health classroom in early September right before school started. She also said that this change was put in place to follow COVID and social distancing protocols, and to give the health classes that extra space. She also said that the yoga room is in the process of being used for yoga and wrestling again, and will be back to being a yoga room soon, something she and many yoga students are excited for.